Cosy greenhouse classroom for acquired brain injury centre
Cosy greenhouse classroom for acquired brain injury centre
“Having the new Keder greenhouse has been great for staff and students. This outside facility has provided us with new opportunities and has helped us all to focus our interest when trying to move forward with our existing garden project. The Mypex flooring really works well with our students some of which are working from wheelchairs or walk with the aid of a walking stick. The greenhouse is very accessible whether it is being used for shelter, teaching, growing or storage!”
Angela Stanley
Head of ABI Education Service
South Worcestershire College
“It has created another classroom but in an outside environment. We can grow on a much bigger scale now and all year round if we want to!”
ABI Student
“In contrast to a traditional ‘glasshouse’ I find the Keder a much cosier and inviting environment to work in, especially during colder weather. Having ventilation panels in the sides, is more convenient than overhead and provides adequate cooling during warmer spells.”
ABI Student
The Academy comprises of an array of full time, substantive part time and short courses across a wide ranging curriculum. The Care Academy also includes the specialist areas of the Acquired Brain Injury Education Service and the Foundation Skills Programmes.
About the Acquired Brain Injury Education Service (ABIES)
This facility provides individual learning programmes designed for students with an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI).
Around 1,000,000 people per year in the UK are disabled by a head injury. The Acquired Brain Injury Education Service (ABIES) offers a wealth of experience of the nature of ABI.
There are programmes which cover living with a brain injury, leisure skills, practical/vocational skills, healthy living and individual support programmes. There is also the opportunity to move between other programmes in the Centre and the main College.
The Centre also provides a “Transitions Programme”. This is designed for young adults with an ABI and is largely focused on developing personal and social skills and helping the young person understand and adjust to the consequences of a brain injury. The ABI is part funded by the Acquired Aphasia Charitable Trust.
For further information on our range of greenhouse and polytunnel installations available, or to discuss your unique requirements, please contact us today on: 01386 49096, or email us at: