Surviving 3 storms, back to back
For Michele Clare, an avid gardener, moving to a house on a hill on the West coast of Wales also meant the purchase of a new greenhouse with the proven ability to endure the frequent 65 mph+ winds which roll in from the Irish Sea. So, in 2021, after considerable research, she purchased a Keder Greenhouse not realising that it would be put to the test and subjected to three extreme back-to-back storms (February 2022) which it passed with flying colours! Unfortunately, the storms demolished a neighbour’s greenhouse, so having seen the success of the Keder Greenhouse, they are looking at purchasing one themselves.
“While, from experience of other greenhouses and polytunnels, when the storm started, I was obviously initially concerned. But it was not long during the storm before I realised how well designed and strong the Keder Greenhouse is, and I had nothing at all to worry about. My Keder Greenhouse remained rock solid and did not move. But the wind was so strong that I went out after hearing a crash and saw one of the fence panels down, and on the other side was a pile of twisted and bent aluminium and shattered glass. It used to be my neighbours glazed greenhouse” she explained.
Purchasing the Keder Greenhouse as a DIY self-assembly kit, her daughter and partner helped put it together. “It did not take long to assemble, the instructions were quite clear once we had worked which pieces were which, nevertheless some extra labelling would help.” Michele said.
Familiar, as avid gardeners with other greenhouses and polytunnels they researched for a smaller greenhouse than what they had previously had. When they saw the range of Keder Greenhouses and the many advantages over the competition they realised it was the one for them, especially with its excellent strength and light diffusion properties.
Planning to grow tomatoes, lettuce, rhubarb and strawberries to start with temperature control is very important, which combined with the insulation properties of Keder’s technically advanced cellular cladding is the very best, far superior than any other greenhouse or polytunnel cladding. This was born out on 22nd February 2022 when the external temperature was fluctuating around 10oC compared to inside the Keder Greenhouse, which was recorded at 29oC, without any heating input.
“The weather here on the west Wales coast has been really bad, the worst for a very long time and I am very pleased with my purchase of the Keder Greenhouse, it has performed really well, in fact outstanding.” said Michele. “Additionally buying such a great product from a British manufacturer is an added advantage.” She concluded.
Keder Greenhouse, a family business, has been manufacturing its range of greenhouses on the same site for the past 30 years. “Where possible we buy from local companies and employ local staff. Our company ethic is to design and manufacture the very best plant growing environment for gardeners and growers” explained Colin Moore, Managing Director “Many gardeners in the UK, Europe, and surrounding islands, with extreme wind and weather conditions, such as the inner and outer Hebrides, Shetland, Orkney, Isle of Man and the Isle of Wight are reaping the strength and stability benefits of installing a Keder Greenhouse.