Dunchurch Allotment Association’s application to the National Lotterey was to increase the capacity for allotment holders by extending the seasons in which allotmenteers can pursue their food producing activities in a more sheltered growing environment. It was decided that a large communal greenhouse/polytunnel would allow individuals to start plants off earlier in the season, grow more summer crops and allow growing to take place into the autumn and winter.
In addition the facility would allow allotments holders to work together to grow plants for sale, the proceeds of which would be used to improve the whole allotment site. A visit to Ryton Gardens (the National Centre for organic gardening) convinced us that the insulation, build quality and guarantee of a Keder greennhouse was very suitable for the application we had in mind. It was apprent that the material was tough, resilient and had a longlife. The straight sides ensured that maximum use could be made of the ground space covered and a simple but versatile ventilation system would ensure good air flow through the growing space. We were please to find out that a water collection system was integral to the design so reducing reliance on mains supply.
In preparation for erection of the greenhouse our members cleared and levelled the site and dug the foundation holes. The team from Keder had the structure up and ready for use in two and a half days. Spring 2014 will see the 16m X 4m Keder greenhouse swing fully into action as a dozen plus allotmenteers start to make use of the new facility. * Text in italics taken from the Lottery application www.dunchurchallotments.org.uk